Department Raffles

Department Raffles

Current: 50/50 Raffle, click here to enter now!

The American Legion, Department of Florida supports over twenty-seven programs aimed at helping Florida’s veterans, their families, and their communities through our 4 Pillars on which we were founded: Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation, National Security, Americanism, and Children & Youth.

To continue our efforts, we rely on the generosity of our members and our patriots through a variety of fundraisers throughout the year. Our raffles are just one way we raise funds to offset the costs of our programs and services. Plus, we are able to award a variety of CASH PRIZES to the winners. It’s truly a win-win for all!

Our raffles are open to any Florida participant who is eighteen (18) years and older. Employees of The American Legion, National Headquarters and The American Legion, Department of Florida and their family members and household residents are not eligible to enter.

You made a difference…

Look at what we were able to accomplish in our last year because of your generosity!

2023-2024 Impact

Download impact report.

Learn More About Our Raffles

Click an arrow below to learn more about that raffle.

Spring and Fall Raffles

Spring and Fall Raffles

Department hosts two traditional raffles annually, one in the Spring prior to our Convention, and the second in the Fall prior to our Conference. Tickets are mailed prior to these events but are also available online. Recipients are asked to send in their donations and tickets to enter for a chance to win. A live drawing will determine ten lucky winners at each event, where winners receive up to $10,000! If you’d like to be a part of the initial mailing, please fill out the packet request form.

50/50 Online Raffle

50/50 Online Raffle

Our online 50/50 raffles are held on a regular basis, where the prize pool continues to grow with every entry. Any additional or special drawing, such as an early bird drawing, will be announced before the start of any drawing, as there is always more than one way to win! The main prize pool winner will be selected at the end of each Entry Period and will receive half of the prize pool raised. The other half is shared between Department and selected Florida Legion Posts.

Posts are encouraged to promote this raffle, as they too can benefit! Participants can select their local Post to receive a portion of their donations. The home Post of the prize pool winner gets an additional bonus, too!

This raffle is conducted completely online and is ongoing through the year!