Submitting Resolutions
In submitting resolutions, the following points should be carefully observed:
- In accordance with Article I, Section 5(c) of the Department of Florida B-Laws, resolutions shall be submitted to the Department Adjutant at least forty (40) days prior to the Department Convention. This time limit may be waived by a two-thirds vote of the delegates present at the Department Convention. Therefore, Resolutions must reach the Department Adjutant by May 5, 2024.
- A resolution shall deal with only one subject. Do not attempt to deal with more than one subject in the RESOLVING clauses.
- The subject matter of resolutions submitted to the Annual Department Convention shall be restricted to matters germane to the purposes and programs of The American Legion.
- Resolutions emanating from a private organization to further its own interest will not be accepted.
- Resolutions containing personal attacks or derogatory characterizations will not be accepted.
- All local RESOLVING clauses are to be omitted, substituting therein a clause resolving Department action, i.e. the resolution as submitted should be worded for the Department Convention as follows:
RESOLVED, By The American Legion, Department of Florida in Department Convention assembled in Orlando, Florida, June 13-16, 2024, That —
If the resolving clause is not stated as above, it necessitates the rewriting of the resolution. - All resolutions submitted shall be typewritten on forms provided by the Department Adjutant and submitted in triplicate, and any resolution not so drawn shall be returned by the Department Adjutant to the sponsor for correction.
- Each resolution form and any subsequent pages submitted must be signed with the Post number and date adopted in addition to the Post Commander or Adjutant’s signature.
- Do not fill in the resolution number, subject, or referred to committee that is found at the bottom of the form.
- Use additional official forms for extra pages, numbering each page and stapling together as one set.
- In accordance with Resolution No. 21, adopted by the National Executive Committee in regular meeting assembled on May 4-5, 2016, each resolution should be supported by the identification of the individual or group originating the resolution, and also by a written statement or brief containing the supporting arguments in favor of the action sought, and clearly establishing the material relevance of the subject to the purpose for which The American Legion was formed.
- Any resolution providing for the expenditure of Department funds, raising or lowering Department Dues, raising funds in the name of the Department, will be referred to the Department Finance Committee for study and recommendations, and, by that body, transmitted to the Resolution Committee. The report from both of these committees shall be presented to the Convention for action.
- The Resolutions Committee shall be empowered to reject resolutions for any of the following reasons:
(1) Resolution was not submitted within the time prescribed by the Department By-Laws. (2) Resolution was not submitted in proper form. (3) Subject matter not germane to the purposes of The American Legion. (4) Resolution is couched in ambiguous wording, not clearly defining an intent. (5) Resolution would be impossible to use since it contains errors of fact or law. (6) Resolution is actually a proposed change to the Department Constitution or By-Laws which can only be done by amendment.