Disaster Relief

Disaster Relief

Florida is no stranger to devasting storms that have caused irreparable damage in not only the lives of our members but also our Legion Posts. During these times of hardship, we have always been ready to rally the troops to collect and distribute goods, provide funding, and volunteer services.

These operations take immense planning and preparation to reach affected areas safely, quickly, and efficiently. We must always be ready, and prepared to mobilize, with little to no notice, when disaster strikes.

In 2017, the Department of Florida created the Disaster Relief Fund to distribute donated funds for disaster-related expenses: water, generators, food, paper products, etc. This fund was deemed a necessity after the catastrophic damage we experienced from hurricanes Michael, Matthew, and Irma. The funds collected since then have given the Department the opportunity to assist our Legion Family members and Post to rebuild their homes and livelihoods that were taken from them.

Our Disaster Relief Fund is YOUR program because we could not do this without YOUR generosity. We hope that you will continue to demonstrate your selflessness in this mission to provide relief to those affected by Disaster.  We are asking that you contribute monetary donations to support the Disaster Relief Fund, and be ready to volunteer when we call upon you.

Help us give YOU and others the reassurance that when the next disaster strikes Florida, your Department will be ready!

The American Legion, Department of Florida
Attn: Disaster Relief
1912A Lee Road
Orlando, FL 32810

Commander Chris Hamrick has chosen Disaster Relief as one of his charities of choice for the 2024-2025 year. Commander Hamrick has, himself, been a long-time volunteer and strong supporter of our disaster relief efforts. Hurricane season is already upon us, and the season has been predicted to be an active year.

We can only be there for you if the funds are available and hope that you will help us be prepared when disaster strikes!

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