Thursday, June 12, 2025 – Sunday, June 15, 2025
In order to avoid the confusion that surrounds dates and deadlines at this time of year, we are providing you with the correct information and the section of The American Legion, Department of Florida Constitution and By-Laws that governs the situation.
- DELEGATE CUT-OFF – Constitution Article V, Section 4
“A Department Convention shall be comprised of delegates and alternates from each chartered Post … Each Post shall be entitled to two (2) delegates and two (2) alternates and to one (1) additional delegate and alternate for each additional one hundred (100) members…. provided that the per capita membership fee is paid fifteen (15) days prior to a Department Convention.”
Therefore, the delegate cut-off date for Department Convention is May 29, 2025.
- DISTRICT CONSTITUTIONAL CONFERENCES – Constitution Article IX, Sections 7 and 9
“… there shall be held in each District a Constitutional Conference not more than sixty (60) nor less than ten (10) days prior to the date of the Annual Department Convention, at a time and place to be designated by the District Commander.” Section 9 “… there shall be nominated one (1) delegate and one (1) alternate to the National Convention for each one thousand (1000) members or major fraction thereof in the District.”
Therefore, the District Constitutional Conferences will be held between April 14, 2025, and June 3, 2025.
- RESOLUTIONS – By-Laws Article I, Section 5 (c)
“All resolutions shall be presented to the Department Adjutant at least (40) days prior to the Department Convention. This time limit may be waived by a two-thirds vote of the delegates present at the Department Convention.”
Therefore, all resolutions are due by May 4, 2025.
- CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS – Constitution Article XVII, Section 1
“ … a copy of such proposed amendments shall be typewritten, prepared in triplicate on forms supplied by Department Headquarters, and be submitted to the Department Adjutant at least forty (40) days prior to the date of the Annual Department Convention. The Adjutant shall send a copy thereof to each Post … at least thirty (30) days prior to the Annual Department Convention.”
Therefore, Constitutional Amendments are due by May 4, 2025, and copies will be sent to each Post by May 14, 2025.
- CALL TO CONVENTION – By-Laws Article I, Section 1
“…The call shall be issued by the Department Commander by bulletin mailed by the Department Adjutant to each Post and to each member of the Department Executive Committee, and each Past Department Commander, not more than forty-five (45) days nor less than fifteen (15) days prior to the first day of the Convention.”
Therefore, the Call to Convention may not be issued before April 29, 2025, nor later than May 29, 2025.
- POST ELECTIONS – Constitution Article X, Section 12
“All officers of Posts, except the Post Adjutant, Post Service Officer and Post Judge Advocate, shall be elected and certified to the Department Adjutant, not more than ninety (90) days, not less than ten (10) days prior to the Annual Department Convention…”
Therefore, Post officers may not be elected before March 15, 2025, nor later than June 3, 2025.
You can also sign up online for all important notifications, by clicking here.