50/50 Raffle

Post Fundraising

Our 50/50 raffles can generate a lot of essential funds for the Post and Department! The more people who participate the larger the prize pool becomes. By working together, we have the ability to generate a much larger prize pool and raise lots of money for the Posts and Department.

If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Cooper at jcooper@floridalegion.org.

Post Benefits:

Make sure your Post takes advantage of this opportunity and receives your share of the proceeds! All you need to do is encourage folks to search for your Post number and select it when submitting their tickets. Yes, it’s that simple! When your Post is selected, the Post receives:

  • Percentage of revenue generated for your Post’s entries on a quarterly basis. The more you promote, the greater your reward.
  • BONUS to the winner’s selected Post.

Want to take advantage of this win-win opportunity? Contact Jennifer Cooper for more details and to request your Post’s custom details. Be sure to select a point of contact within the Post on whom we should communicate all raffle details, exclusive opportunities, and ways you can increase your efforts.

Raffle Credits:

In order to receive quarterly raffle credits, Department must have an ACH direct deposit form on file. Post credits will not roll over to the next fiscal year, which means if the Post does not have an ACH form on file by June 30th, the Post loses the accumulated funds earned through our 50/50 raffles from the previous year.

Post Add-On Features:

Posts now have access to additional tools provided by our 50/50 platform. These features are NOT required or mandatory to receive Raffle Credits, but are available to everyone to increase your efforts!

  • Custom Website Link – Using a custom link will automatically select to support your Post when participants enter.
  • Custom QR Code – Get a code that will take participants directly to your Post’s page for them to enter.
  • App Technology Access – Unlock the power of FREE in-house Post sales using an app on Android devices with an operating system of 11 or higher. (iPhone coming soon)
  • Embed on Post Website – Add a widget that allows browsers to see the REAL-TIME prize pool and get tickets directly from your Post’s website.
  • Log-In Credentials – Gain access to customize your Post’s landing page with content and photos.
  • Firestick (coming soon) – Display the REAL-TIME ticker on a display monitor or TV at your Post without interrupted service.

    To get one or all of these features, Click here.