American Legion Riders: Chair

From the Chairman

The American Legion Riders (ALR) are proud to be recognized as both a Department and Post Program in Florida. We currently have 135 Chapters supporting approximately 6,000 riders across the state. Our Standard Operating Procedures cover both Department and Post programs to ensure consistency and excellence.

Our Mission Statement:

The American Legion Riders are formed to promote the aims and purposes of The American Legion as a family-oriented motorcycling activity for members of The American Legion Family.


  • Promote Motorcycle Safety: We emphasize motorcycle safety programs and provide a social atmosphere for members who share the same interest.
  • Participate in Events and Ceremonies: We engage in events and ceremonies that align with the aims and purposes of The American Legion.
  • Organize Charity Events: We organize and participate in charity events that help our veterans, their families, and the local community.
  • Support American Legion Programs: To use our association to promote and support the programs of The American Legion.

The ALR is not a motorcycle club (M/C) and does not practice M/C rules or regulations. There is no patching or pledging permitted. An ALR Chapter Member is not permitted to join the “Council of Clubs.”

Charities and Support:

We currently have one main charity, Project Vet Relief/Suicide Prevention, and several Children and Youth programs that we support during the year.

Post ALR Program:

The Post ALR Program shares the same Mission Statement as the Department Program. Besides supporting the Department Program, Posts have their own charities. For example, one of our Chapters organizes “Boots on The Ground,” attracting over nine hundred bikes across thirteen different routes and raising over $100,000 for their published charities.

The camaraderie between all groups is immeasurable. We complete our Mission Statement every year and have a wonderful time doing it!


  • Dollars donated: $1.4 million.
  • Miles ridden: 4.4 million.

Additionally, we were one of three motorcycle associations selected by the Florida Motor Vehicle Department to develop, provide awareness, and participate in the Statewide Motorcycle Safety Program.

If you are interested in receiving more information about this program or other programs the American Legion supports, do not hesitate to contact us at the American Legion Department of Florida.

If you have any ideas, please share! Thank you for what you do, and we are proud to be part of your leadership team of such an excellent group!

“For the Cause, Not the Applause”
For the latest information, please read our newsletter.

Jim Wineland
American Legion Riders

“For the Cause, not the applause.”