American Legion Riders: Capture the Plaque

Capture the Plaque

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If you have any questions or concerns, please email to Click here to download rules.

  1. Chapters MUST have their own Plaque to play the game.
    • You cannot play “Capture the Plaque” if you do not have your own plaque. You must also register online with the Department, so everyone knows which Chapters are playing.
  2. Chapters MUST have possession of their plaque to be able to capture another Chapter’s plaque.
    • Retrieving your plaque counts as possession.
    • Once you have retrieved your plaque, you must bring it back to your post. You can capture plaques while in transit to your post.
  3. Chapters MUST have a minimum of 3 ALR Members to retrieve or capture the Plaque.
    • This will allow smaller chapters the opportunity to play.
  4. Riders are not required to be on a motorcycle to participate.
    • Cages are always welcome.
    • Weather may present a safety factor.
    • Supporters & Future Riders do not have motorcycles.
  5. The Plaque cannot be hidden from potential captures.
    • Once your plaque is on your wall, it must remain there until another Chapter captures it.
  6. Plaque must be protected while in transit to avoid any damage.
    • Treat the plaque you captured as your own. You would not want to retrieve your plaque only to find it damaged. If you do happen to damage a captured plaque, contact the Director ASAP to work out some sort of restitution.
  7. There is no limit as to how many plaques can be captured in a single day.
    • We defer to any number of Chapters that have “raided” various Districts: 10, 54, 83, 129, etc.
  8. Once a Chapter retrieves their Plaque from the Captor, Your Plaque is safe from your CAPTOR for 24 hours. Although another Chapter can steal your plaque at any time.
    • This rule is straightforward.
  9. You may NOT retrieve your plaque AND take the capturing Chapter’s plaque on the SAME DAY.
    • Again, another straightforward rule.
  10. You must leave some type of notification that your chapter has captured their plaque.
    • We suggest printing a “calling card” letting the post know where your plaque is.
    • Also, if your chapter captures a plaque, your Chapter cannot give the plaque to another Chapter. You keep it because you took it.
  11. You can only capture the plaque of the post you are visiting. All other plaques are safe.
  12. If your Plaque is captured from a Chapter whose Post is out of town – you have options:
    • Plan a trip to recapture your Plaque. (This is the whole point of the game!!!)
    • Have your plaque mailed to you at your expense.
    • Contact the Chapter prior to Summit, Convention and/or Fall Conference and they will return your plaque. (Be prepared for “The Walk of Shame”.) They are not required to bring your plaque if you did not make arrangements beforehand.
  13. You may not play “Capture the Plaque” during special events (IE: Poker/Dice/Chip/Charity Runs, In-State Unity Ride, Department Legacy Ride, etc.) MGR/RR Excluded.
    • If you are participating in the In-State Unity Ride, Plaques CANNOT be taken from a Hosting Post during the ride.
    • This rule is to prevent arguing as to who gets the plaque if there are qualifying groups of “raiders” on a ride.
    • If your group has not registered for the event, they may steal your plaque if the ride is not at the post. If your group does arrive while the event is taking place, you may either leave for another post or stay until the group has left.
    • A planned meal event does not qualify as a “special event”.
    • In-State Unity Ride: once you have reached your last stop of the day, the Ride is suspended until the next morning. Once your group has reached your hotel, and you still feel like capturing plaques, you are free to do so. Please remember Rule #6 – Protect the Plaque at all costs.
  14. Ride Safe and Have Fun!