Post – 50/50 Add On Features

Be sure to select a point of contact within the Post who we should communicate all raffle details, exclusive opportunities and ways you can increase your efforts.

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    Post: 50/50 Raffle

    Select a point of contact within the Post who we should communicate all raffle details, exclusive opportunities and ways you can increase your efforts.


Please note – in order for Posts to received their raffle credits on a quarterly basis, an ACH Form must be completed and submitted to Department. Download the Direct Deposit Authorization Form


1 24 55 90 127 155 202 252 304 344 382
3 26 57 98 133 157 219 255 305 347 383
4 28 62 99 135 158 221 259 309 348 389
6 30 63 101 136 159 222 267 316 351 390
7 31 64 103 137 164 233 268 318 354 392
8 32 67 104 138 166 235 270 321 356 394
9 36 69 110 139 168 237 271 323 357 402
10 39 71 112 141 171 238 272 325 359 403
11 40 75 114 142 173 239 273 328 361 404
12 43 77 115 144 180 240 275 332 365 412
13 45 78 117 147 186 242 277 333 371 415
14 46 79 118 148 187 243 283 335 372 417
15 47 80 119 149 194 246 284 336 373 418
16 51 81 120 152 197 248 296 339 375 419
18 54 83 126 154 199 250 303 340 378 420