Together we can make a difference!
The use of the blood of one human being to save the life of another is one of the world’s greatest medical achievements. Thousands of people are alive today – happy children, young mothers, accident victims, the elderly – who have survived major operations because blood and blood components were available to combat many types of diseases and other medical problems.
While there will always be risks associated with blood transfusions, blood and blood products from healthy volunteer donors has proven to be much safer than blood from any other source. For this reason, your American Legion post should make every effort to recruit more healthy volunteer blood donors. In addition to making a significant
contribution to the health and welfare of your community, donors receive the satisfaction of knowing they have helped someone who needed blood or a blood product.
We urge our Posts, Units, and Squadrons to plan and host local blood drives, along with the State Wide Blood drive that is held annual every year.