Special Olympics: Chair

From the Chairman

September 2023

I want to thank our new Commander Michael “Gambler “ Raymond, for allowing me to serve my 4th year as Chair for Special Olympics Florida. I am looking forward to having our best year. I have been the Commander at Post 321 in Cooper City Fl. for the past 3 years.

The American Legion has continued to raise more and more money each year. This past year we were just short of $100,000. I would love to see us go over $100,000 this year. As a family, we were at $150,000, so thank you all.

Special Olympics provides year-round sports training and competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. Activities exist for those of all ability levels, from the highly functioning to the severely challenged. Anyone may participate if they meet the eligibility criteria of having an intellectual disability or similar developmental disability; there is no age limit.

Florida serves over 58,000 athletes and unified partners with 38,000 dedicated volunteers and coaches supporting this cause. That being said, The American Legion has taken Special Olympics as one of its obligations this year.

This charity needs our help; we are one of their biggest supporters in Florida. All the money donated through The American Legion stays right here in Florida to support our athletes.
I am asking all posts to come up with a fundraiser for Special Olympics. No effort is too small, you can play bingo, do raffles, have a picnic, or do a poker run; just putting a jar at your post will allow your post to raise donations. If you need any ideas or need help, please call me, George De Angelo, 954 801-5543
If you want to volunteer, go to Special Olympics Florida to see where you can volunteer.

So please, get involved in this great cause.
Thank you, and God Bless.

George DeAngelo
Special Olympics