Law & Order: About


In the Preamble to the American Legion Constitution, which we recite at the beginning of every meeting, we pledge ourselves to ten purposes, among which are:

  • Uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America;
  • Maintain law and order
  • Foster and perpetuate a one hundred percent Americanism;
  • Inculcate a sense of individual obligation to the community, state, and nation
  • Promote peace and good-will on earth.

We strive to maintain law and order in our homes, Posts, and communities. We also honor those “unsung heroes” of our lives – the paid and unpaid law officers, firefighters, EMT’s, and paramedics – who put their lives on the line, so that we have freedom and protection from harm.

The hours that they give are often “above and beyond the call of duty”, and frequently they are not compensated at a fair market value.

The Department encourages each Post to hold an Awards Ceremony (and Dinner, if possible) to honor the Law Enforcement, Firefighter, EMT, and Paramedic personnel, and their families, who live and work in your community. You can give a certificate to each honoree, or ask the Chief or co-workers of each agency to select their outstanding professional to receive your certificate, plaque or other award.

If your post would like to nominate Law Enforcement, Firefighter, EMT, and Paramedic personnel please see our Law Enforcement of the Year and Firefighter of the Year applications for the requirements.

**Certificates of Commendation are available, free of charge, from Department Headquarters**


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