School Program
Below is the suggested School Program for presenting medals:
Presenting the medals and certificates:
- Briefly introduce yourself and your military background
- The American Legion School Medal program is sponsored locally by American Legion Post (number) located on (address of post)
- Ask all veterans in the audience to stand for a moment of recognition
- Call the students receiving the School Medals Awards forward
- This citation is read:“The School Medal is the highest honor awarded to American Youth by the American Legion. It is a medal that proclaims to the world that you are the kind of student that we, the comrades of men and women who gave their lives in battle, believe worthy of such honor. It is our desire that wherever you go, and whatever you do, you will always be guided by the highest ideals.” “These students were selected for these traits: Courage, Honor, Leadership, Patriotism, Scholarship and Service.”
- Present the medals and certificates to the students
After the awards presentation remind the school:
Each American Legion post has a historian who compiles information concerning the School Medals program for presentation to both our State and National Department Commanders. Strong positive feedback insures that this program will continue to be offered in the future.
If possible, please provide feedback regarding the Awards Ceremony to American Legion Post (number) or email the feedback to (post/district chairperson).- If any photos were taken, we ask that a copy also be sent or emailed.
Thank you for participating in the American Legion School Medals Awards Program this year.