Homeless Veteran Outreach: Chair

From the Chairman

There is no need to recreate the wheel. Find others in your area working with homeless veterans; the list includes:

  • Local Food Banks: Sign up as a partner and get all types of canned goods, toiletries, water, first aid supplies, and similar items. I am a registered partner locally and simply call up to place an order. It’s free.
  • Local Churches: A large Catholic church in my area does a food drive for me twice a year. It’s always at least 2000 lbs. of canned goods.
  • Local Organizations: Knights of Columbus, HOA groups, Veterans groups, motorcycle clubs, and other organizations are great to partner with.
  • American Legion Posts: Posts and other Veterans Service Organizations can host collection bins.
  • VSO: Your local Veteran’s service office.
  • Think Outside the Box: You’ve got some ideas now, what else can you come up with?
  • Storage: Obtain a storage facility, either space at the post or offsite. Ask your post to pay for the storage, and it counts as VA&R for reporting.

Al “Gunner” Dudley
Homeless Veterans Chair