How do I know if I am eligible for membership in The American Legion?
Our organization was founded on the premise that all those serving in the US Armed Forces during times of national crisis, regardless of place of service, are eligible to belong to The American Legion. Our membership is based on period of service, not place of service. Therefore, if you have served at least one day of “active duty” during the eligibility dates, are presently serving in the military or have been honorably discharged, you may become a member.
World War II: Dec 7, 1941 to Dec 31, 1946
Merchant Marines: Dec 7, 1941 to Aug 15, 1945 (only)
Korea: Jun 25, 1950 to Jan 31, 1955
Vietnam: Feb 28, 1961 to May 7, 1975
Lebanon & Grenada: Aug 24, 1982 to Jul 31, 1984
Panama: Dec 20, 1989 to Jan 31, 1990
Persian Gulf & War on Terror: Aug 2, 1990 to Present
Why is membership in The American Legion limited to certain periods of time? I served in the military, but not during The American Legion eligibility periods.
The American Legion was founded in 1919 as a war-time veterans organization. It was chartered by Congress on this basis. Our membership eligibility dates parallel dates set by Congress of war-time service.
How can I request a copy of my military discharge records for proof of eligibility?
To obtain a copy of your military discharge records, contact your County Veteran Service Officer or you can request a copy online at:
What is a Paid-Up-For-Life Membership?
It’s a membership you purchase with a lump sum that makes you a Paid-Up-For-Life Member of The American Legion. Joining the over 175,000 who’ve already become Paid-Up-For-Life Members assures you of all the benefits of American Legion membership for life, with no additional future payment — no matter how much the cost of your benefits may go up.
What benefits do I receive as a member of The American Legion?
As a member of The American Legion, you may participate in the low cost life insurance program, as well as many other discounts on moving, car rentals, hotels and motels, eye wear and prescription drugs. To see the specifics about any of these benefits, check out our Member Benefits page.