Post Locator and Post Transfers Online


PLEASE COMPLETE THE POSTCARD included with this month’s Legion Link! We are working on adding/enhancing a couple of features on our Department Website, that we are excited to share with you. We will need your help to make these new features successful.

  1. The Florida Post Locator
    Our Post Locator has been removed for some time now, due to some technical complications. We were happy that National has its own Post Locator, which has been filling in the gap. However, we want to provide our Posts and our Veterans, with a more detailed Post Locator for Florida. This will be a great way for Posts to advertise their Post Homes and for members/veterans to find a Post to call home.Enclosed is a Post Card for you to complete regarding all your Post’s offerings, amenities, programs, etc. Please take a moment to complete and return the Post Card to Department (Don’t forget to add Postage – 44¢), you may also complete it online at When you complete the online form, you can also include any address or contact information that may have changed, since any recent submissions.All the information you provide will be included on your Post’s page.
  2. Transfer to Local Post
    Transferring to a local post has been on our website for a little while but is very outdated. This feature began with National’s DMS program push. However, it has gained a little popularity with our current and incoming members. We want to make sure we are providing them with the most accurate information possible.A couple of important areas on the postcard are related to this feature, “Accept Automatic Transfers” and “Post Membership Requirements”. If your Post agrees to accept “automatic transfers” from Department, without any additional requirements, please check this option on the enclosed postcard. Members will be able to submit their transfers online, and Department will take care of transferring the member to your Post automatically.However, if your Post requires a DD-214, vote-In, or other requirements, please indicate this as well. The member/veteran wishing to join your Post will then be directed directly to you with specific instructions on anything they need to bring with them or do to become a member of your Post.

We can’t do any of this without your help, so please take a moment, as an authorized representative of your Post, to complete the postcard or online form. We will keep you updated when these features are ready to launch. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please email us at Please return cards or complete the form by September 15, 2022. Of course, we will continue to accept updates any time you have them.

